
“Still using it, still loving it!”

– Selah Global user in Canada

“I wanted to write and tell you how 2017 went with using Selah Global. We used it for tracking income and expenses throughout the year, and when it came time to do our year end reports at the end of January, it was an absolute breeze! So thank you very much for your labours in developing and maintaining this software. It truly has made our lives a lot easier, enabling us to spend more time on what we’re commended to do—spreading God’s Word..”

– Selah Global user in Canada

“I have been using the Selah program regularly now and used it to calculate my income for my returns earlier this year.  I found it very easy and I am keeping receipts in it fully this year (2017) – and largely up to date 😃.  So while I was using it just now, I thought I would let you know how useful it is.

It took me a while  – as all new programs do – but it gives me information that I could not easily access before so it is interesting as well as helpful.”

– Selah Global user in Canada

“finished inputting 2016 and got my 2017 stuff going too. Love the program, what a great service, wish I’d started using it earlier”

– Selah Global user in Canada

“I did all my reporting this year in a couple of hours and had no problems at all… And it took me that long because I was explaining to someone else how to use the program at the same time”

– Selah Global user in Mexico

“myStudyNotes is an organizational tool that I desperately needed!”

– myStudyNotes user in the USA

“I’d be lost without your tutorials. They are very clear.”

– Selah Global user in Angola

“Just wanting to let you know that we are working on the financial program and we are really happy with it. It’s working great. Thanks again for all the time and effort you have put into it!! It is definitely a blessing!

– Selah Global user in Mexico

“I Love, Love, Love this program!  It takes some time in the very beginning tweaking and personalizing categories and sub-categories, but after that, it’s seriously clear sailing.  I would say that I can put in receipt data in half the time as the old program (it is not having to put it into an “Agency” or adjusting that that saves a lot of the time, as well as being able to quickly modify those categories and sub-categories).”

– Selah Global user in Mexico (comparing Selah Global to the prior finances program)

 “The program worked very well for our reporting for 2014!”

– finances program user in Mexico

“Thanks so much for all your hard work and effort and time.  It is so much appreciated.”

– Africa Medical Tests program user in Zambia

“The reporting I need to prepare used to take me two months to organize, but now with your program, it only took me two hours this year!”

– finances program user in Mexico

“The financial program is WONDERFUL! …The program has been SUCH a blessing to us – thank you, again!”

– finances program user in Mexico

“Thank you for a good program that helps us comply with agency requirements and that helps put our house in order for tomorrow.”

– finances program user in Chile

Note: All the testimonials were unsolicited and are listed from the newest to the oldest.